Friday, October 02, 2009

Thursday Nights with Young Leaders

Thursday nights are fun.  For several weeks now, a group of us men—mostly young leaders—have been gathering at my house to talk and pray together.

Last night was typical.  A couple of the guys arrived early and we played a game of PIG (actually PUERCO) at the basketball net out back.  When the others arrived, we spent some time allowing each one to describe the state of their heart—sadness, worries, anger, happiness, excitement, etc.  Then, we each shared something that we had received from God in our personal walk with him this past week.  We have committed to each doing an inductive study of James, taking a chapter each week and “chewing” on it in our quiet times with God.  It was cool to hear each describe how they are wrestling with Scripture and discovering God’s Word—a Word that requires obedience.  

Finally, we spent 30 minutes or so reading and discussing Luke 5:1-11.  Last night we read the text aloud two times.  Then, one of the guys, Hector, retold the story in his own words to help us turn it over in our hearts and minds one more time.  Then, we began asking open ended questions of the text—discovering together what God wanted us to see about God, humans, disciples, sin, etc.  We each ended the time mentioning at least one thing that we believe God wants us to obey out of that passage. 

We ate together afterwards.  Thursday nights are fun!

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